Punk kids nifty gay story

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It’s not abnormal for my kids to come into our room to tell us some anecdote from their day while they are stripping off their school clothes and pulling on their PJs. You May Also Love: What My Kids Are (Re)Teaching Me About Privacy We change in front of each other, often share a stall in the family change room at the pool and shower with the bathroom door open. Our whole family seems to be comfortable with nudity. In fact, all these years later we are still comfortable with our nudity. I was always naked and both of us were comfortable with this. Other times, he would pounce in ready to tell me about the random thoughts that were racing through his big toddler mind. Sometimes I would open the shower curtain and see his little sleepy face and I hadn’t even noticed he was there. This became a tradition and as he got older he would get out of bed in his footed pyjamas, drag his blanket and just sit himself down on the carpet as soon as he heard the shower go on. 'We change in front of each other, often share a stall in the family change room at the pool and shower with the bathroom door open.' I installed a clear shower curtain and would sing songs and play peekaboo and sometimes he would shake his rattle to entertain himself so that I could start each morning fresh and clean.

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He used to sit comfortably in the bouncy chair on the floor outside the tub every morning while I showered.

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